Auto Dent Removal Service
Auto Dent Removal Service
885 S Oneida St, Denver, CO 80224 | Call 720-695-9380
Auto Hail Damage
A hail storm can cause a whole lot of damage in a very short time, if your car, truck or SUV has been damaged by hail in the last storm call PDR Dent Repairs to get a free estimate, we work with your insurance adjuster and make sure they are paying for all of the damages to your car or truck.
Auto Dent Removal Service
Car are made of metal and when they get dents in them some body shops why to cover the dents with bondo or other fillers then they want to paint over the car. With this process you lose the original finish and you now have filler that can come lose and destroy the finish of your car. Paintless Dent Removal or PDR is the process where the dent is pulled out like it never happened, no filler, no bondo and no paint to get your car back to its original condition. PDR Dent Repairs has expert dent removal staff with available time slots to repair your vehicle.
Copyright 2024 PDR Art Dent Repair - Paintless Hail Removal | 885 S Oneida St, Denver, CO 80224 | Call 720-695-9380
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